A New Chapter Unfolds: ATC’s 2023 Graduating Class

This past month, Safer Foundation’s Crossroads Adult Transition Center (ATC) celebrated the achievements of its graduating class, composed of several talented individuals who have worked hard to overcome their past and embrace a brighter future. The Crossroads ATC center, known for its comprehensive programming, provides residents with the necessary skills, education, opportunities, and resources to reduce recidivism rates. With its four community-style living units, the facility accommodates individuals from various backgrounds, all striving to make positive changes in their lives.
Inspiring Journeys of James and D’onte:
James expressed that receiving his diploma meant a lot to him since he dropped out of high school his senior year and had attempted multiple times to get his GED. This accomplishment gave him the confidence to know that he can do anything he sets his mind to. James mentioned, “I am finally able to fill out an application and check the box ‘High School Diploma.’ I want to thank my teacher, Ms. Ford, for pushing me every day and challenging me because of her, I am thinking about furthering my education!”
D’onte shared his story with gratitude, saying, “First of all, I would like to thank Crossroads for giving me this opportunity to achieve something I’ve being trying so long to do. I will also like to thank Ms.Ford for always pushing us to keep going even though she got on our nerves sometimes. I really appreciate her for never giving up on us. I’ve been locked up almost 12 years… But I came to Crossroads enrolled in school and here I am. So, thank you all for the chance to prove to myself I can do it.”
James and D’onte’s stories are testaments to the transformative power of determination, education, and support. Despite facing personal obstacles and spending years within the confines of the criminal justice system, they found hope and strength through the programming provided by Safer Foundation’s Crossroads ATC. By completing their high school diplomas, they have taken a significant step toward rewriting their life narratives.
Their stories inspire us to believe in the potential for change and growth that exists within every individual, no matter their circumstances. It is a reminder that setbacks do not define us; rather, it is our resilience and the support we receive that shape our journey. The Crossroads ATC’s commitment to empowering its residents and helping them break the cycle of recidivism exemplifies the transformative impact that a dedicated community can have on individuals seeking a second chance.